Free Low Back Pain Workshop - Tuesday 2/25/20 6 to 7:15 PM

Nate and I are preparing for our upcoming interactive public seminar on Low back pain(here in the clinic). This will be the first installment of our Gretna Wellness Series, a series focused on naturally building a happy and healthy community. The presentation will be interactive, and based off of our natural movement patterns, the same patterns that often cause our problems when left unchecked.

Back pain can make you miserable and put your life on hold.

Our Therapists Andrew Consbruck and Nate Dickes will explain how simple patterns of movement and poor postural habits we develop are directly responsible for your back pain, sciatica, SI joint dysfunction, piriformis syndrome, and arthritic pain. In this interactive workshop you will learn how to break those limiting habits and move freely again.Space is limited, please call to register your free spot at 402-905-9089.
You may also sign up on our Facebook page, @dynamicptgretna